
Between Egyptian/Greek and Malaysia

* Source of image: oringin by Yee Ling

This is one of the Red House in Malacca which selling chicken rice. Obviously this building has used Greek architecture style, which is Ionic Order. During the ancient Greek, Ionic Order has a load-bearing function, while the Ionic Order in the photo above function as a decoration of the building. However, the development of Ionic Order from Doric Order has also represented the improvement toward more decorative style.



The a) photo is a wall carve of Egyptian gods Iris and Horus, b) is stone carve of Chin Swee life in the Chin Swee Temple, Genting Highlands. Both carving serve the same function which is record and telling the story of the past. This kind of carving mostly can found in Malaysia temple, and normally used to record the mythology of gods, alike the Egyptian wall carving, recorded the life of Fraud and their gods.

Post Office, Kuching

The above photo from Kuching, Post Office, which using the Corinthian Order from Greek architecture. Corinthian Order is the most ornate order among Doric and Ionic Order. It serve the function of decorative and support the building in the above photo and during the ancient Greek period as well.


Ancient Roman sandals

Malaysia sandals

During ancient Roman, sandals have a different usage: certain type of sandals can represent different social classes. In Malaysia, this kind of sandals design is getting popular because it is suitable for Malaysia's weather, and also the adorable design style.


The 5 questions

Why I am doing this course?
When I was a kid,I appretiate every single things which look beauty and meaningful. Thus,I decide to create something by myself.

What do I want from this course?
I want to learn and know what are the things consider as valueble,beauty,creative to people.And also the way to create valueble things that people will appretiate.

3. What do I want to be doing in 5, 10, 20 years?
5 years,find a job,maybe not the one I love,but must be the one can give me some experiences and knowledge about design.And I hope I can become more confident,stronger in this 5 years.
10-20 years,is the time to full fill my dream.I hope to get a job I love,I wan to be a designer.Now I can't tell the specific industry,I always change my mind based on situation,but for sure i will be stay in design industry.

4. What do I want to get from this class?
Learn and get to know what people appretiate from past til now,what is so important for them.

5. Is History of Art & Design necessary for your large goals.
I think so,it is the good way to know other country culture and like,and something that happened change/influenced people,which I hope to create such influence artwork as well.